
Black, White and Gray Box Testing

Black Box Testing:

Conducting assessments from an external perspective with limited knowledge of internal systems and configurations. Simulating attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) to identify security vulnerabilities. Providing insights into the external threat landscape and potential attack vectors facing the organization.

White Box Testing:

Performing assessments with full access to application source code, architecture diagrams, and system documentation. Conducting code review and static analysis to identify security flaws and design weaknesses.Assessing the effectiveness of security controls and adherence to secure coding practices.

Gray Box Testing:

Combining elements of black box and white box testing methodologies to simulate insider threats and privileged access scenarios.Assessing the impact of insider attacks such as insider trading, data theft, and sabotage. Identifying security risks associated with third-party integrations, partner networks, and supply chain dependencies.